Panels and Interactive Sessions
The program will include five panels, interactive sessions, and similar (one on each day). The preliminary list of panels and interactive sessions are:
Renewable Energy Systems of Systems: Industrial companies gradually shift their focus to renewable energy. Energy systems inherently are SoS with systems on the demand and supply side, infrastructure systems, and various levels of control systems. In this track, scheduled on Tuesday June 15, practitioners will present what and how they develop renewable energy solutions. The sessions are jointly organized with the Kongsberg Systems Engineering Event (KSEE) and will feature practitioner presentations of practical examples. Organizer: Gerrit Muller (University of South-East Norway).
Systems of Systems and Complexity: Systems of Systems are generally characterized as complex. The question for SoSE then is how to address SoS complexity? An ongoing collaboration between the INCOSE SoS and Complexity Working Groups is addressing this question. This panel will discuss the current SoS and complexity initiative, including recent workshops on smart highways and defense SoS and the prospects for practical approaches to SoS complexity challenges. Organizer: Judith Dahmann (MITRE and INCOSE SoS WG).
Perspectives on Systems of Systems from different domains: This session will explore example Systems of Systems in different application domains, making use of viewpoints such as SoS features, SoS types, SoS Pain Points, aspects of Complexity. After an initial introduction, speakers will characterize “their” SoS, and then discussion will explore similarities and differences between the SoS, and issue or opportunities arising. Organizers: Alan Harding. (BAE Systems and INCOSE SoS WG).
Systems Engineering Masters Education and the role of SoSE. This is an interactive open session on Systems Engineering education in higher research institutions all over the world, and on the role of System of Systems Engineering in it. We would like to focus specifically on Masters, comparing the state of the art in Europe vs USA and other countries. The goal of the session is exploring the requirements and the content needs of these programs. Organizer: Roberto Sacile (University of Genova) and Gerrit Muller (University of South-East Norway). Speakers: Dritan Nace (UTC Compiègne), Jon Wade (University of California San Diego), Raúl Benítez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona), Simona Sacone (University of Genova).
Innovation Ecosystems. Digitalization, and more generally cyber-physical systems, pave the way for new services and capabilities that provide potential for developing entirely new SoS, within and across existing domains, giving rise to new eco-systems. Forming such eco-systems will often face significant hurdles in terms of organizational, legislative and business model concerns, in addition to technical issues. This interactive session brings together a number of perspectives and experts to discuss the corresponding challenges, experiences and avenues ahead for overcoming such hurdles, including (but not limited to), data sharing, best practices for accelerating innovation across (previously) separated domains, and experiences in multi-domain collaborations and open test arenas. More information is available here. Organizers: Martin Törngren (KTH) and Martin Karlsson (Atlas Copco).