SoSE for Sustainable Development
February 25th 2025: NEW EXTENDED deadline for paper submission
Venue: Tirana Marriott Hotel and
Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
June 8th – 11th 2025
System of Systems Engineering in Robotics: Foundations for Sustainable and Adaptive Autonomous Systems
The systems of systems community and the robotics community evolve in parallel, although they share a large number of common concepts and related issues. The strong emergence of autonomous robotics swarms, in particular heterogeneous multi-domains autonomous robotics swarms (aerial, terrestrial, maritime) is both an opportunity for roboticists to appropriate the concepts of systems of systems engineering, and an opportunity to challenge the commonly established results of systems of systems engineering in the field, by experimenting on highly reconfigurable autonomous swarms. This special session will address the topic of system of systems engineering in robotics with an emphasis on foundations for sustainable and adaptive autonomous systems. These foundations should enrich the currently existing system of systems taxonomy and governance standards (ISO/IEC/IEEE 21841:2019, 21839:2019, 21840:2019) to take into account large scale AI-driven robotics autonomous systems trends and propose both theoretical and methodological frameworks to allow optimized robotics systems design. This session is open to researchers and industry practitioners who have demonstrated the value of systems engineering and systems architecture methods, concepts and standards for the design of autonomous robotic systems or systems of systems, or conversely to those who have identified their limits, ambiguities, gaps by relying on practical or theoretical case studies from robotics.
Short bio and contact information of the organizers:
o Omar Hammami holds a Phd in computer science from Toulouse University and a HDR in Physics from University Paris-Saclay. He is an expert in the fields of System engineering (MBSE/SoSe), Modeling and simulation, Multi-disciplinary Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) and Defense simulation. He has been involved in numerous cooperative R&D projects in these fields with the industry. He is a Professor at ENSTA PARIS since 2000 and responsible for the field of system engineering and from 1993 to 2000 Associate Professor and Head of the Performance Evaluation laboratory in Japan. Omar Hammami is a co-president of the Hub AE&C of the cluster of competitiveness Systematic, the Paris Region Deep Tech Ecosystem and vice-President of AFIS French INCOSE Chapter. He is involved in several NATO working groups among them Digital Twin and Quantifying Defense Capabilities using Data Analytics and Mathematical Modelling. He is a consultant and international expert for various international bodies and organizations in the field of System engineering, HPC and Quantum Computing.
o Thomas Rigaut is a System Architect and Research engineer in the Computer Science and Systems Engineering Laboratory of ENSTA Paris (Polytechnic Institute of Paris) and he has twelve years of experience as a system architect and systems engineering expert in the aeronautics and defense sectors. He graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and ENSTA PARIS. He was a member of the French Ministry of Defense (DGA) in system of systems engineering support. He has been involved in numerous industrial projects related to system engineering modelling among them with AIRBUS, CS Group (Sopra Steria). He has been deeply involved in AFIS French INCOSE chapter in various working groups among them CT3SAI dedicated to system of systems. He is a certified INCOSE CSEP. He is former president of AFIS. He is a consultant for various companies in France in the field of system engineering. Thomas Rigaut is pursuing a Phd in the field of SoSe and is an IEEE member.
Contact Omar HAMMAMI ENSTA Paris | Institut Polytechnique de Paris 828 boulevard des Maréchaux 91120 Palaiseau France omar.hammami@polytechnique.eduIntegrating Disaster Risk Managment and Early Warning Systems: a sustainable approach in a changing climate
This session will explore how Early Warning Systems (EWS) can be viewed as complex Systems of Systems (SoS), incorporating diverse technologies, stakeholders, and processes to provide timely and accurate disaster alerts. In alignment with the UNDRR’s “Early Warning for All” campaign, the session will demonstrate how the integration of multi-hazard EWS with Civil Protection efforts enhances global preparedness, ensuring that warnings reach all communities, especially the most vulnerable.
Participants will examine how advanced technologies, real-time data analytics, and cross-sectoral collaboration enhance the effectiveness of early warnings for natural disasters. The session will present case studies, highlight challenges in interoperability and coordination, and propose solutions to improve disaster resilience through interconnected systems, ensuring timely and effective preparedness and response.
Short bio and contact information of the organizers:
o Nicola Rebora,
Associate Programme Director at CIMA Research Foundation focusing on the scientific and technical activities related to disaster risk management and climate change adaptation with a cross-cutting and multi-risk approach and a focus on the European dimension. Member of the council of the Italian Centre for Risk Reduction” (CI3R – Scientific Coordinator for CIMA Research Foundation of the RETURN – MULTI RISK SCIENCE FOR RESILIENT COMMUNITIES UNDER A CHANGING CLIMATE – Extended Partnership (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2).
o Marina Morando,
Program Director at CIMA Research Foundation. Research and operative experience in civil protection planning, at different territorial levels, with reference to participatory planning techniques for the development of the awareness of technicians, administrators, and citizens. Climate change adaptation planning. Local institutional support. Risk communication. Operating Procedures for the management of alert systems. Liability in civil protection. Project manager of many national and international research projects.
o Miranda Deda,
Miranda is executive director of CIMA Research Foundation Branch of Albania. She got her PhD in Environmental Implication of Floods from the University of Genoa in 2011. She has been coordinating and managing the Branch activities since more than ten years, collaborating with local, national and international institutions and organization, working in the field of Early Warning System, Disaster Risk Reduction and Civil Protection in the Balkan region. Miranda is project manager of various projects in these fields, financed by international donors such are EU and UN. Miranda is also involved in the different initiatives of the civil protection system on prevention and preparedness to natural disasters, disaster loss data collection, disaster risk assessment for floods and wildfires, flood risk management, approximation to EU Floods Directive and Climate Change Adaptation.
Nicola Rebora
Cima Research Council
Via A. Magliotto, 2
17100 Savona – Italy
System-of-Systems Approaches for Enhancing Sustainability in Rural Communities
This special session focuses on the application of System of Systems (SoS) methodologies to address the specific challenges rural communities face in achieving sustainable development. Rural regions often deal with poor infrastructure, dispersed populations, and limited resources, requiring holistic approaches to development. Through the integration of several interdependent systems—including transportation, energy supply, healthcare, agriculture, and water management—into a unified framework that fosters sustainability, resilience, and efficiency, SoS methodologies offer the potential to revolutionize rural development.
The special session will investigate how SoS strategies can assist rural communities optimize resource usage, strengthen infrastructure resilience, and boost access to key services. By incorporating modern systems thinking and control approaches, rural regions can benefit from more coordinated and cross-sectoral efforts, leading to effective decision-making and efficient resource allocation.
Key themes include but are not limited to:
1. Renewable energy integration: Combining renewable energy sources—like solar or wind generators—with local agriculture and water management systems can guarantee a sustainable energy supply, while also enhancing crop yields and irrigation efficiency.
2. Rural healthcare systems: Integrating local clinics with transportation networks and telemedicine platforms can improve healthcare access and responsiveness for marginalized communities, addressing rural healthcare gaps.
3. Rural-urban connectivity: Although rural communities often supply essential resources, such food and water, to urban centers, infrastructure disconnects hamper rural development. Enhanced rural-urban linkages through SoS approaches can foster more sustainable supply chains and support regional development.
The session will present case studies demonstrating successful applications of SoS techniques in rural contexts. Examples include smart agriculture, decentralized energy grids, and integrated water resource management, showcasing how these approaches can be adapted and scaled to different settings. Discussions will also cover governance, infrastructure investment, and technology deployment. A special focus will be placed on overcoming the barriers that rural regions have, such as limited funding and technical know-how, and fostering partnerships between the public and private sectors as well as local communities.
Short bio and contact information of the organizers:
o Raffaele Carli,
received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering with honours in 2002 and the Ph.D. in Electrical and Information Engineering in 2016, both from Politecnico di Bari, Italy.
From 2003 to 2004, he was a Reserve Officer with Italian Navy. From 2004 to 2012, he worked as System and Control Engineer and Technical Manager for a space and defense multinational company. Dr. Carli is currently an Assistant Professor in Automatic Control at Politecnico di Bari, and his research interests include the formalization, simulation, and implementation of decision and control systems, as well as modeling and optimization of complex systems. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANS. ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (awarded 2023 Best Associate Editor) and the IEEE TRANS. ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS. He was a member of the International Program Committee of 30+ international conferences and guest editor for special issues in international journals. He is the author of 100+ printed international publications. He received the 2024 IEEE Italy Section SMCS Chapter Award for Excellence in Early Career Research.
o Paolo Scarabaggio,
received a Ph.D. in Electrical and Information Engineering from Politecnico di Bari, Italy. He is currently an assistant professor (RTDA) at the Decision and Control Laboratory of Politecnico di Bari. In 2019, he was a visiting student at the Delft Center for Systems and Control, Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands. His research interests include modeling, optimization, game theory, and control of complex multi-agent systems, with application in energy distribution systems, and social networks. He is author of 20+ printed international publications. He is the recipient of the 2022 IEEE CSS Italy Best Young Author Journal Paper Award.
o Enrico Zero,
received the master’s degree in biostatistics and statistical experimental from the University of Milano-Bicocca in 2015 and the Ph.D. degree in computer science and system engineering from the University of Genoa, in 2022, with a focus on systems engineering approaches to safety in transport systems. From May 2015 to May 2021 he was research fellow at Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering at University of Genoa about the topic statistics analysis on automotive and physiological data during dangerous good transportation. His research interests include the interactions of automotive data and physiological signals during the road transport of dangerous goods. He is co-author of more than 40 papers published in international journals and presented at international conferences. Since 2021 he is Member of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society and of the IEEE Control Systems Society. Dr. Zero is currently an Assistant Professor in Automatic Control at Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering at University of Genoa
Raffaele Carli
DEI – Politecnico di Bari
200 Via Re David 70125
Bari – Italy
Control and Optimization Techniques in Systems of Systems for Sustainability
This special session will explore the application of advanced control and optimization techniques to improve the sustainability, resilience, and efficiency of System of Systems (SoS). Given the increasing complexity of global sustainability challenges—such as energy distribution, water management, and urban mobility—traditional approaches often fall short. This session will focus on specific techniques like distributed control for optimizing renewable energy grids, real-time adaptive control for managing interconnected water and energy systems, and AI-driven optimization algorithms for enhancing resource efficiency in smart cities and transportation networks. It will highlight how these techniques can be used to balance competing objectives, such as reducing emissions while maintaining system performance, or optimizing resource allocation under uncertainty. By integrating control theory with optimization methods, the session aims to improve the decision-making processes of complex SoS, making them more adaptive and resilient. Attendees will also explore practical applications, including multi-objective optimization for balancing sustainability goals in smart city infrastructure, and predictive control for reducing system vulnerabilities to disruptions. The session will bring together engineers, researchers, and policymakers to discuss these cutting-edge approaches, promoting collaboration to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals through more efficient and sustainable SoS.
Short bio and contact information of the organizers:
o Alessandro Bozzi,
received his double master’s degree from the University of Genoa (Italy) and University of Compiègne (France) in Complex and Interacting Systems in 2020, and his double Ph.D. degree in Systems Engineering at the University of Genoa and Université Savoie Mont-Blanc (France) in 2023. He is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Genoa and his research centers on autonomous vehicle platooning, systems of systems control, and scheduling in smart manufacturing systems.
o Rexhina Hoxha,
received a double master’s degree in 2022, with degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Genoa (Italy) and in Electronic Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania). She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering at the University of Genoa in collaboration with PSA Genova Pra’. Her research focuses on developing methods for the optimization and simulation of maritime terminal processes.
o Alessandra Elisa Sindi Morando ,
enrolled last year in a joint Ph.D. in Systems Engineering and Automation & Robotics at the University of Genoa (Italy) and the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (France). In 2023, she received a double Master’s degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Genoa and in Complex Systems Engineering from UTC. Her research focuses on distributed and robust control techniques for Systems of Systems. Her recent works address Model Predictive Control applied to air-ground cooperation.
o Matteo Aicardi,
received the B.Sc and the M.Sc degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Genoa in February 2022, and December 2023 respectively. He is currently a Ph.D student in Computer and Systems Engineering at the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering in Genoa. His research interests include optimal control, multi-agent systems, and systems theory.
Contact Alessandro Bozzi DIBRIS – University of Genoa Via all’ Opera Pia 13 Genoa – Italy
Systems of Systems enginnering and decision aid: managing emergence and uncertainty
Systems engineering and decision aid have been built independently from one another, motivated by different problematics. However, the complexification of industrial ecosystems, involving difficulties of traceability, risk sharing, calls for automated protocols for program management.
As systems engineering is increasingly dealing with multi-scale systems, wheather from a size or time perspective, the strong uncertain environment inherent to any industrial and/or military tissue is reinforced with the difficulty to assess risks and get visibility on the whole picture. Systems of systems engineering problematics is getting mechanically closer to multi-agent phenomenons, among which the one of emergence, bringing onto the scene the reconciliation of local interactions of systems and their connectivity with global optimisation (including validation and verification).
This assessment calls for a capability-driven approach that generates its own appropriate decision nodes and that would be resources optimization oriented. The notion of optimality is becoming increasingly dynamic and based on responsiveness considerations, encompassing the need to supervise the joint of evolution and coherence of programs, coordinate upstreams and in the supply chain the conception of sub-systems who are designed to operate on a same system or mission, including the identification of bottlenecks and a fast and responsive acquisition of raw materials.
Furthermore, program managers may add biased preferences to technical choices that include business related preferences, which leads to selecting preferred solutions over optimal solutions. Complexity issues associated with these challenges are reinforced by the fact that, when system architecture description exercises in a seamless workflow is tackled to multi-objective and multi-dimensional knapsack problem, it reveals the NP-hard nature of system engineering problem itself.
This session is opened to researchers and industry practitioners who will propose to tackle system engineering to operation research and decision aid problems in theory and/or practice. Conversely, it may include systems engineering propositions on OR and DA problems that will transfer new business-lead requirements to applied mathematics and that propose methods to transforming seamless workflows into decisions workflows with respect to system categories: discretization of conception space in quality, time and resource components.
Short bio and contact information of the organizers:
o Lorraine Brisacier-Porchon,
is a confirmed system architect with over ten years of professionnal career in the French defense industry. Lorraine graduated from ENSTA Bretagne with an engineer degree and she received a Phd in System Engineering from Institut Polytechnique de Paris and ENSTA PARIS.
Lorraine have been deeply involved in the System Engineering community both in France through the French INCOSE Chapter AFIS and internationaly. Her research interests include theoretical foundations for systems engineering,operation research and decision aid, simulation with an emphasis on filling gaps between theses disciplines.
Dr. Brisacier-Porchon is a member of INCOSE and IEEE.
o Alexis Poindron,
is a post-doctoral researcher at the Unité d’Economie Appliquée, ENSTA Paris. He received his Ph.D in Applied Mathematics from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. His domains of research include network theory, international trade, Boolean functions and networks, decision theory.
Alexis Poindron
ENSTA Paris | Institut Polytechnique de Paris
828 boulevard des Maréchaux
Resilient Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
Cyber-physical-social systems are complex systems that integrate physical components and processes, information and computational elements, and social interactions to perform tasks and provide services. Recognizing the interdependence among humans with physical and technological systems, the disruption of one or multiple components of such systems can have substantial impacts on their overall performance, resulting in significant economic productivity and the health, sustainability, and well-being of communities. This session will explore the risk, reliability, vulnerability, and resilience of cyber-physical-social systems with the application of systems engineering tools, including optimization, analytics, and risk and decision analysis.
Short bio and contact information of the organizers:
o Kash Barker,
is the John A. Myers Professor in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. His 100+ journal publications have broadly dealt with the reliability, resilience, and economic impacts of infrastructure networks and the communities that rely upon them. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers and a Senior Member of IEEE and INFORMS.
o Andrés D. González,
is an Associate Professor in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering and a Faculty Fellow of the Data Institute for Societal Challenges at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. González’s works on modeling and controlling the dynamics of complex systems, as well as optimizing the design and recovery of interdependent infrastructure and supply chain networks, towards enhancing community resilience, sustainability, and equitability.
Kash Barker
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Oklahoma