Title: The Impact of Advanced Technologies on SoSE (Monday 24th June 10:15 AM – 11:45 AM)
Abstract: Advances in technology – distributed systems, digital engineering, big data, cloud computing and of course, artificial intelligence – are all profoundly affecting today’s systems both the systems themselves and the approach to engineering these systems. Systems of systems are similarly affected – and the impacts in some cases may be amplified for systems of systems given their complexity, emergence, and evolving functionality/behavior. New technologies may lead to new or unexpected system architectures, patterns or, in the case of AI, evolving behaviors. This panel will look at the impacts on systems of systems from the introduction of new or advanced technologies. This includes the challenges the technologies bring to SoS and considerations for managing the challenges.
Judith Dahmann
Alan Harding
Sky Matthews
John Palmer
Garry Roedler (Moderator)
Title: Panel on Application of AI/ML in SoSE to Support Human Decision Making (Tuesday 25th June 10:15 AM – 11:45 AM)
Abstract: The panel will debate these topics in the settings of complex, emergent SoS for both commercial and military operational environments. To guide the discussion, the panel will:
- Provide examples of technologies in which SoSE can apply AI/ML to support human decision-making including:
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Communications
- Command and Control
- Object Recognition and Detection
- Discuss pros and cons of using AI/ML for these applications
- Identify gaps in proposed AI/ML solutions
- Identify tools and methods with which SOSE can help meet these challenges
- Suggest areas for future work
Paul Hershey (Moderator)
Mu-Cheng Wang
Haifeng Zhu
Sky Matthews