Deadline for all papers:

February 25th, 2019

Papers Submission (Online)

April 1st, 2019

Notification of acceptance papers

April 29th, 2019

Final Camera-Ready Manuscript

EDAS Submission Instruction

To submit a paper go to EDAS and after logging in continue at step 5. If this does not work, then begin at step 1 below:

1. login to EDAS at
2. Select the tab ‘Submit paper’
3. Scroll down until you find SoSE 2019 in the 2nd column
4. Click on the ‘Add new paper’ icon in the last column of that row.
5. Select the track that the paper best fits.
6. Follow the instructions to submit your paper

EDAS checks the paper according to IEEE guidelines, which are mandatory for final submission. Use of IEEE template is mandatory. You may ignore the following warnings for the initial submission.

  • Please avoid plagiarism, EDAS and IEEE do a similarity check of your paper[s].
  • The conference papers will be published as IEEE conference proceedings. Authors must follow the IEEE guidelines.
  • Maximum page length 6 pages (if your paper longer than 6 pages, please contact us)
  • For additional paper submission, please the Registration page
  • Embedding of fonts (PDF eXpress will do this for the final submission)
  • No active links in the paper