Mariagrazia Dotoli
DEI - Politecnico di Bari
Decision and control strategies for smart energy systems
Abstract: A powerful solution contributing to the green transformation of modern power systems is represented by smart energy systems. The term ‘smart energy system’ denotes a community of users (private, public, or mixed) located in a specific reference area, where all stakeholders – such as end-users (e.g., citizens, companies, etc.), market players (e.g., utilities, service providers), practitioners, planners and policy-makers – actively cooperate for the intelligent optimization of energy costs and efficiency using innovative technology to build and operate a sustainable system. While smart energy systems typically encompass various types of energy exchanges, in this talk we focus on electricity, whose share in the world energy consumption is rapidly increasing and is currently at more than 20%. Independently from the implemented architecture, the success of smart electrical energy systems relies on the deployment of suitable decision and control mechanisms that efficiently and widely exploit renewable sources and distributed storage, while enabling the application of measures oriented to cost-effectiveness, sustainability, and reliability. In this context, the talk presents innovative decision and control frameworks, such as game-theoretic methodologies, for smart electrical energy systems composed of heterogenous actors equipped with trading and sharing service-oriented energy systems. The effectiveness of the presented approaches is shown through several examples.
Short Bio: Mariagrazia Dotoli holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering and is Full Professor in Automation at Politecnico di Bari, Italy (Poliba). She founded the Italian National PhD Program on Autonomous Systems . Prof. Dotoli was Vice Rector for research of Poliba and member elect of the Academic Senate. She chairs the Decision and Control Lab. of Poliba . She is the founder of Poliba spin-off company Innolab . She is an IEEE Fellow and serves as VP for Membership and Student Activities of IEEE SMC society. She has been General Chair of 2024 RAS IEEE Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering.
Stéphane Louise
CEA, LIST, Université Paris-Saclay
Quantum Computing:
the promise, the current state, and the trend
Abstract: Listening to lay-man’s press and science presentation, Quantum Computing can be seen as a new era of algorithms and opportunities. Some science communicators talk about a domain of exponential parallelism and exponential speedup. In this talk we will introduce some simple ideas on why this is usually not the case expect for very specific algorithms, and put the perspective on the current state of the art in term of Quantum Processing Units (QPUs), how we can make it work for some classes of algorithm and what we can expect in term of applicability and usefulness nowadays and in the near to mid-term future.
Short Bio: After a brief initial research experience in theoretical physics, S. Louise joined CEA-Saclay and the University of Paris-Sud (now Paris-Saclay) in the fields of embedded systems and processor architectures, where he obtained his PhD in 2002. This background enabled a variety of research work, ranging from Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) analysis to Models of Computation (MoCs) for heterogeneous and parallel embedded systems. This was the main subject of his French Habilitation (HDR from the University of Paris-Saclay) in 2014. Since 2018, the emergence of real quantum computers has allowed him to dedicate an increasing amount of his time to Quantum Computing, particularly in the area of Application Benchmarking for Quantum Computing. He is currently a Research Director at CEA, LIST, and a Thesis Advisor affiliated with the University of Paris-Saclay.